
Japanese characters

Japanese characters came from China about 1400 years ago.There are three types of Japanese characters.

The first type is close to the Chinese characters.(Type1)

It is natural because it was made from Chinese characters.The other two types were made by the first type.Generally speaking, Japanese characters are simpler than Chinese characters.

There are only 51 sounds in Japanese, so it is not difficult to pronounce.Chinese is much more difficult.Some people say Japanese sound like Spanish.

(Type2) It is easy to speak basic Japanese, but it is difficult to speak correct.

For example, male and female Japanese is a little bit different.

Type2 and 3 are a little like the English alphabet for they have only sounds and no meaning.Type2 and 3 are used to put Type1 together, and make one meaning.

(Type3) Type3 is mostly used to emphasize something or to write words from English or other Western languages.

1 件のコメント:

Olga さんのコメント...

Hi there! This is extremely interesting, i didn't realize you also have an alphabet similar to any other where symbols stand for sounds not for words like it is in Chinese...About 3 types... I know about hiragana and katakana, so I thought there are only 2 types, and what about the 3rd? I'm very curious. I studied linguistics and its such an interesting topic. You definitely need to watch 'Lost in Translation!' :P Thanks for coming to my blog, your comments are always very interesting ;)