同時に、地方を中心とする恒常的な赤字空港も垂れ流しの援助を続けるべきではない。そもそも、な ぜこんなに採算割れの空港が沢山あるのかというと、自民党政権は、航空会社が支払う着陸料などを財源に空港の整備運営を手がける国の社会資本整備事業特別会計の空港整備勘定(旧空港整備特別会計)を当てにして不採算空港を作り続けてきた。金は入るから、ただ作るということの繰り返しをしてきた。
2 件のコメント:
Hi Masa! I'm doing better these days - thanks for asking :). The autumn is a rather quiet season here with brisk fresh weather and more time to think and reflect. It's nice not to be so busy as in the summer. How are things with you? I see you are changing the subject of your blog and addressing more serious issues. I just wish the translator was more advanced - in line with your topics. I need to say though that I think Concorde is the most beautiful aircraft ever created..it is sort of an icon, really.
Enjoy your Friday.. :)
Hello :) Hope all is well in Tokyo and you are enjoying the moderate temperatures. Here it was snowing for the whole night so today everything was white... I'm glad the politicians managed to involve the people so much and that actually everyone cares about what's gonna happen to the country - this is a good sign of a well organized and developed society. So you have scientific background... I'm on the contrary much more from the side of arts than science i think - I would get much more excited with linguistics than physics...which doesn't mean physics doesn't deserve t :)